Consulting services
In addition to our core business, our company also provides consulting services for the manufacturing of Ambulances and Emergency Vehicles as well as for the furnishing and equipping of emergency and urgent care units.
Emergency and Urgent Care Units
Hospitals need to be prepared for anything that might come through the doors. That's why keeping key pieces of medical equipment on-hand at all times are so crucial to providing complete care.

Our specialists will tell you exactly what medical equipment you need and how to best place it in your specific case so that your emergency department is always ready for any situation.
Manufacturer of Ambulances and Emergency Vehicles
When an emergency strikes and the hospital is too far, ambulances save lives on the go. First responders must dispatch in case any emergency occurs and the quality of ambulance equipment is essential.

Medorad produces high quality custom ambulances and emergency vehicles with an attention to detail that easily satisfies all of the needs of your organization. A handcrafted vehicle from Medorad provides unmatched reliability and durability and is an excellent value and sound investment.
All types of medical facilities are subject to strict requirements regarding space, equipment, humidity and temperature, medical staff, and so on. We guarantee that a consultation with our team of experts will help you to successfully meet all these standards and start your professional activity.
Contact us
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Medorad CZ s.r.o.
Litevská 1174/8, Vršovice,
100 00 Prague, Czech Republic
IČO: 17433401